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Friday, December 15, 2006: 9:28 PM
woke up quite early to go houngang mall.i bought 4 books for my book review. actually tot of goin to library to borrow but not enuff time so decided to juz return the overdue books and go popular lor. while waitin for younger bro to finish buyin his shoes. he ripped his old one cuz he was angry wadeva. currently playing audition and i m so noob. but my sis no bad lor. her fav song for playin is diva and can beat almost any noobs. haha...i actually tot of conning her into usin her den to pay for my items wakaka...but decided not to. play fairly lor. actually audition is not i wan to play one but then she suggested so i juz agree and help her dl while i m at it. then she everynite also jam so i muz also jam. took taxi to J8 cuz sis wan to manicure. then we go walk around. when i come home so tired liao, then straight away fell asleep but then decided to prepare for sunday cuz mom's rushing me again. dunnoe which jacket i shld bring...the newbie one or the brazil one i buy frm england...
oui u all out there... frens i mean, wan anything frm malaysia or thailand? tag at my tagboard if wan...nt too expensive hor or else dun hv...pls reply by tmr 5 o clock cuz i after that will go liao and wun check again. so hurry lah...still left quite alot of hwk but at least i manage to finish findin all the newspaper cutting s so when i come bac can chiong . i m a well-known chionger. then i help my mom mop my own room floor for the first time in my whole life cuz she force sis go out wif her clique so left me n bro then bro dunno how to play audition so nt fun wan arh! i m tired...BB...hv a gd time...
My mood is unpredictable...<3

Tuesday, December 12, 2006: 3:43 PM
tell me wads wrong wif society...crazy by simple plan rawks big time, the song's been out for quite long but the more i listen to it the nicer it gets, guess all simple plan's song rawks! so i present u this! i saw this while doin my oral presentation. currently busy doin al the fcked up hwwk. so no time to blog. i m veri busy this mth.1week ago me and mom and siblings went to vivo city. then they buy untill $48 worth of candies. we went there on three occasions and spent a total of $120 and its all thx to my big sis. buy so much dark chocalates then dun let me eat. nvm i hv my jelly beans and life savers etc.. yg bro so funny.
my bro mom and me went to hougang mall. then we saw the ice lemon tee. last last week,... Mom: She( my sister)wan to but things frm ice lemon tee, heartland mall dun hv rite?
Dad: huh? i tot cold storage hv sell ice lemon TEA one can by one can. me and yg bro burst out laughing. he's so? i dunno wad to sae. he's seldom at home, its gd tat way. nvm.why id we go there? cuz dumb bro wans to buy mario hoops for his DS. then we went home. spent alot of $$$ on little items. Iciban sushi nt as nice as sushi tel.
went for dinner at chevrons. so damn ex. and i dun think it is tat worth it. $900 something for 10 course meal arh? wadeva..also nt i pay. wads the occasion? its the old lady , i mean my father's mother birthdae. tat i dun care. I DUN CARE! this is so waste time!
stayed at home lah. wan o watch star awards and Arsenal against chelsea. it was not bad lah the match but first haf quite borin. nvm, at least arsenal managed to draw chelsea. ManU, go go go!
so funny! hahahaha. and it's all bcuz of my bro's super spiked up hair. hahaha! nt so funny liao. if i eva see that guy, we'll beat him up. we'll ! no more staring game. juz grab my bro's hair for nth. grr...
mom keeps forcing me to pack luggage for cruise on sundae to wednesdae. then me and sis keeps telling her so kiasu for wad. she saes its gonna be a busy week so muz pack early. come to think of it maybe yes, since i still hv so much work to do. mom rawks but dad sucks . looks like i m still havin bad blood...vengeance i tell ya vengeance! sis still goin to meet her darling jimmy haha!!! jk lah,
My mood is unpredictable...<3

Monday, December 04, 2006: 8:56 PM
another post, haix will post more soon. startin frm the veri fun dae wif one quarter of theclass at downtown east on 28-11-2006
i went there late due to some shit and when i reached there cannot find wm but in the end still found him. they were playin mario kart, noob but and JH wan to go xsquare but full hse so we wait for a while then go escape.while waitin for meiqi dajie, we wan to play the train but they come so fast then cannot play, that game is the 'scariest' xD. we play flipper wait for quite long, then we play. maureen sit wif louis and it is so funny. they were squeezed wif each other. we 'bully' him haha. then we go play viking. i prefer flipper but viking ok. mayb bcuz it is the most played escape game i played. then we went for the go kart. we ps daniel and let him wait or is it we played rainbow first? nvm, rainbow was very fun, in fact i like it the most, i can see the whole of pasir ris. then we go play kiteflyer gay game, the theme park singapore has is noob leh, little game and noob.. the ones in malaysia and australia is so much beta. aiyah i cannot rmb the whole incident that dae but nvm. i give a rough idea of that dae. thne we play the go kart finally. thx to danile. it was veri funny. i took the car 8 then the brake like gt prob one. louis overtake me so i go veri fast or shld i damn fast. i saw louis , he and daniel stop for a while cuz we r too close. then i nv stop in time. the kart bang louis's. it hit his head. and it was pain? veri sorry. then he was like stunned. i kept apologising. then they moved on. i was bout to stop thye kart the finishing line, i nv stop in time again it bang louis's kart agian but without driver. then we go flippers again, louis wif maureen again, and we were teasin him. he was shy and saed nth... haha durin the game? then we go haunted hse.. or is it i wnet haunted hse b4 goin flippers... it was nt as scary as the one i went to in england cuz there's no stairs to climb no storyline, no fire display, not set in a real castle. me and danile stand in front then the others were walkin veri slow. so we stop. then sophia started cryin, wm muz hv stood on her foot. so we hve to go out. then i went home, the taxi driver sucks. the taxi smelt of smoke cuz he was smokin. at the end of the rie i therw the money insidethe taxi then get off and slam the door. i hate inconsiderate ppl, m i one? xP
i went to NUS to watch my sis concert. i saw my idol, i hv many, this is the winner of the teenage icon and he rawks. he is juz 15 yr oldand his jazz album is one of the bestseller at HMV. so nice. my sis's so noob. haha...
i hv nt started on my holidae assighments and there r so many trips to be done this mth. 2 weeks later i m goin on cruise and thailand then hv sis's 18 birthdae party at downtown east.can go escape and wild wild wet. can play wif her soreloser fren who looks like amanda frm eldds street fighter and watch her askin for rematch agian. haha. my sis can be a gd sport at times but nuisance at MOST times. she damn funny lor. have her own digiatal cam which the screen i think quite ok liao still wan to tade with grampa for his digital cam cuz his is bigger screen and has more megapixels gtg. tmr goin vivocity wif family and kbox on wednesdae then goin to stay at granny hse. so fun. opps, i did nt have a plan for my holidae assighments but nvm, i can rush anyhow do it. haha! jk nia...i miss 106!
My mood is unpredictable...<3

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His life started on 22-4-1993, he <3 his frenz and his clique. He loveshates everything and anything.

The innocent you...
Ipod nano
visit Old Trafford
striped tie
chain frm 77th street
Quiksilver Jacket
Quiksilver slingbag
Billabong Pencil Case
Quiksilver cap
New Quiksilver wallet
Not to be caught for hair
more $$$
Creative Zen V
wish upon the shooting star

A new CCA which i <3
No more rebelling