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Friday, September 29, 2006: 7:12 PM
tryin.. not to find bac lost memories, so many things happened recently, haix, meetin old frens, tryin hard to 4get u guys not that i dun like u guys, its juz that i miss u guyz too much, but life's life, gotta get on with it, so nvm, so i cannot let u guyz let me recollect the wonderful time we have had. i took the same route home everydae, but often, i will meet my Eng teacher from XHPS, he was a great man, i nearly cost him his job, mind u, if he took that bet seriously, but he was juz jokin, m i suppose to laugh, haha... lame -_-''' oh yah, the teachers at my sec are juz sooo gd, they treat us ice-cream, feels like a kid, but a surprise treat, n ice-cream, who can resist it, m i suppose to sae yummy? oh ya btw the futsal challenge, if only we don meet 03, n if we meet them they don play dirty, hahas, anyway, every tution i will still meet pri sch fren, he like always late but, we wld tok bout our pri life, it was fun, there were quarrels still but we still r frens... looks like only that guy could 4get it completely, soccer maniac. nvm, u soccer pro wad... cannot waste talent. i find my taste rlly gettin lousier n lousier. DIspatch of Army is soo nice, so nice, angry , then anyhow kill, haha...craps, lol...?muz control my anger, this few time keep picking up quarrels, don noe why keep feelin ppl keep pissin me...} grats lah Liwen u so pro, haha
My mood is unpredictable...<3

Tuesday, September 19, 2006: 6:50 PM
quarrel again...haix, todae we playin soccer. then the fcuk up LOuis quarrel again n again. he thinks he dribblle very gd. actually is I let him wan. haha todae, i injure him. he ask 4 it. Whole dae mockin at others. think he damn pro. laughs at how others kick or.... he volleys also like comical. still ...nobody mocks at him, he saes others. hate that attitude of his. so act wan. loves criticisin others then cannot accept others saeing him. so i give him a lesson. whole dae sae i push n foul. so i give him a real foul. i give a full body lunge at his leg below the kneecab. he falls down. haha. then he hold his leg for a while. he stand up. he want to fight. so i fight lah. he started to use some kind of desperado hit shown in the pacifier. i ripped off his whole uniform pocket. aiyah, neva manged to destroy the whole uniform. onli the pocket. damn it. nvm. he sucks onli. haha. his uniform sure looks comical. i m the designer . Higher MT totally sucks lor. 1 more mark to pass. another bad fren----Jas. walau dun what she suspects. lookin over my stuff as if i do something wrong. then complain when i told her off. not so easy.... she non stop try to complain. but i ignore her. her girl frens come busybody again. i dun care. i dun care how u criticises me but then if i criticises the one wu criticise me, u wun like it... cuz i wun give u a bloody fcukin damn.
My mood is unpredictable...<3

Monday, September 18, 2006: 4:29 PM
Hi. Short effective simple. Todae so borin. morning---talkin in front of the sch. i kept calm lor, but i accidentally fumbled the word 'world' it became 'worst' but okae lah. anyway, my fav word is I dun care, i dun give a damn dude. Borin borin carry on. Then recess we play wif the sec2s albeit outnumbered, we thrash them 7-2 haha. cannot blive my shot hit the bar. wad a waste! after that had this toopid life sci thingy which so borin. the teecher give us the work gloves then take it bac n throw it away. but i managed to smuggle 1 haha. so did JH n Daniel. After sch, we play soccer again. the score is 7-8. my team lost. despite me n louis hat trick. haiz. after that so borin. actually wan to cut hair. but no time. so dun cut. so i go home n blog. currently interested in a new game. Doa- dispatch of army. quite nice like that. Manchester lost to Arsenal. boo-hoo!
so sad...
My mood is unpredictable...<3

Saturday, September 16, 2006: 11:53 AM
Yesterdae, walau, not fun wan lor. morning musisc lesson most fun wan lor. play the computer piano, wad a joke.-_- everybody does that. but at least it is so much fun n beta than blowin the recorder. no PE..not nice liao lor, suppose to play rugby wan then, teacher newa come. recess time rainin, so cannot play soccer match. my ex band selling nachos, aiyah dunh feel like buyin, but all the other frens buy, so i was overcome by temptation n buy lor. taste okay lah. we had a MT test. After sch, we play soccer onli to b interrupted by the twins n jas. jas is so busybody. she's a pain in the neck. my head hurts ah!!!
go home tired juz fell asleep after watchin the repeat telecast of liverpool n everton. Manchester United is so awesome-------------------------------------------------------true fan xd]
PS. i wan my white shirt, so nice...:d
My mood is unpredictable...<3

15-9-2006 A series of unfortunate events...-_-
Friday, September 15, 2006: 9:05 PM
i very busy this week lah. so tirin. teacher keep complaining about my hair, like that osos gt wrong. 1 thing- i dun like those gals to sae me cute and then giggle...this week already happen quite a few times liao lor. so sian. makes me blush... not saein that i veri cute, by the way. on the bus i met quite a few i noe wan ppl lor. i meet my pri eng teacher, so gd. pri fren oso. Family secrets r beta not known. Anyway, u dun nid to noe,i dun noe if u nid to noe, but wadeva it is, u shld not noe after all, do u noe? giggle...somebody scoldin..goin to speak in front of the whole sch mondae. hav rehearsals todae. i not serious lor. those gals keep chasin me. feel like a kid. hahas.--------------------------------------------------------------- LoVe U, makes me smile (GTG)
My mood is unpredictable...<3

Monday, September 11, 2006: 4:17 PM
i agree wif weiming. haiz. adults dis daes dun understand us, but pretend to do so. they act onli. whole day scold scold scold. nothin beta to do lor. i hate all this lah. i gettin so fed up n pissed off. juz feel like crushing them...! ah...cannot take it anymore. Nvm, patience. we r the future generations of Singapore, dun care lah. whatever they sae, dun bother...! they onli act wan...
the onli way to hv a feeling of patience is to lock them up. cannot lock, then get rid of it. mayb we should juz follow davy jones in pirates of the carribeans, cut out the source of emotions, the heart. lame ideas...-_-''' but not my fault. i reeli feel like an outlaw, a pain in the neck, juz feel so tired. todae go bac school liao. not fun, all tired, todae after recess, so dramatic, if somebody was here, there may b a catfight lor. ppl[ i not stating wu] arguing wif each other.
then we had to b witness. wth! we playin soccer after school oso sian sian wan lor. haiz. go home so tired wanna take a nap but dun feel like takin a nap. i too tired to take a nap liao. so iwrite on blog lor. BB, gtg. although cnnot play maple liao...
My mood is unpredictable...<3

8-9-2006 Nothing to do! I m Guilty
Friday, September 08, 2006: 2:53 PM
i m so guilty. Tuesday should be the start of my new CCA but i neva go. its is not i dun wan to...but i dun noe. not my fault. my fren did not tell me. so instead i went to watch movie, go bowling, onli juz now then i find out. i so bad boy. haiz.
cannot blame lah. life's so bad. i onli feel like doing nothin and close my eyes. my sister n bro r craps. hahahas.... yesterdae night Paul 2hill n Jonathan in Singapore Idol lowest vote. Then they started arguing. my bro support Paul my sis support Jon. Then the wreckage and arguements started. They r so childish. I so lonely. damn! reeli wan to cry. No soccer for 2 weeks liao. i feelin very uneasy. nid to chiiong something. No not maple, but homework...busy so i muz do what i muz. GTG!
My mood is unpredictable...<3

Thursday, September 07, 2006: 10:10 PM

A new skin. Yo! btw, i feel so left out. so lonely. i do scam ppl in maple, but i am totaly a kind soul. two daes ago i went to the 'class gathering' so little ppl. i onli boy at first. fell so left out. get cheated of my money at PS arcade. wan to sue so badly. watch 1 dumb movie and the gals pretended it so nice. then the guys came. bowling. i win. although not so pro 80<>
i can onli feel sadness and urgency. not a moment of joy. down, sad, depressed
but neva out. I will be back!
BB... cute, right, so nice?
My mood is unpredictable...<3

So touched seh!
Monday, September 04, 2006: 6:29 PM
i was so damn touched on 31st August 2006 which is actually the celebration for teachers day. The class chairman organised a party for our form teachers with help from the class management. actually i suopposed to buy the coookie but i did not. howeva Jia Yun took care of it. i was in charge of eatin onli............
i looted the whole tube of chips n 'shared'. -_- haha so sad lor. I went bac to primary sch that dae n saw so many ppl lor. my 'present' for my fav eng teacher soaked in the rain lor. i was so drenced but nvm. i tried to hide frm MT teacher nut still gt caught. NVM . Now i reeli veri absolutely treasure my ex maths teacher. she so good lor. ( hints) now
went arcade n bowl wif JH n louis onli a bit fun
My mood is unpredictable...<3

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His life started on 22-4-1993, he <3 his frenz and his clique. He loveshates everything and anything.

The innocent you...
Ipod nano
visit Old Trafford
striped tie
chain frm 77th street
Quiksilver Jacket
Quiksilver slingbag
Billabong Pencil Case
Quiksilver cap
New Quiksilver wallet
Not to be caught for hair
more $$$
Creative Zen V
wish upon the shooting star

A new CCA which i <3
No more rebelling