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Lonely Bad dae!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006: 9:44 PM
Haha. Shirley sprained her ankle. Deserve it! It all started all like this.
Once upon a time, there were three little gals ( Cla-rice, SUREly, Maurine ) They were playing on the swing when I came along. Dun noe how wat started. they started a quarrel. Something about something. We played water guns wif Nike bottles. I tried to run. My shoe came off. Shirely tried to grab it. I sliding tackle her.
Shirely Surely Sat On tHE sWING.
Shirely Surely had kena tackled
all her good frens
Both Clarice, Maureen
Couldn't fix Shirely's leg
haha. she fall down. So funny!

Howeva, i still feel sad... so depressed... cannot play maple...i could not satisfy everyone even if i wan too life's so lonely
My mood is unpredictable...<3

So long XMSBAND!
Monday, July 24, 2006: 7:01 PM
hiaz, i so pissed of. I did it! Mission Impossible turned possible. I quited XMSB! AyeAye!
dat was da only OKAy thingy of the dae. Haiz life this dae simply sux. things dis dae r veri VULGAR lar.
As i went into pensieve mood, i began to think bout the past. When did it eva started? why? it was't wif u. I could remember. Howener we grew apart. Y? the time. Time is not healing the wound inflicted. it is causing it. I went away lokking for a cure for this n vent out the stress. but after meeting euu, memories return. Appearance will cause memories to be crystal clear. But not seeing u cause mua memories to fade n vanished. It did not seem to leave a trait or trace of it. Howeva, hopes were nt lost, we cut a clear stand. u do yours, i do mine. I still miss the times when i wasn't shy. Not seeing you made me shy again. Talking to u make me crumble n break.
Onli the gracefulness of u makes mi reagin confidence. I beg u, dun leave mi again...
My mood is unpredictable...<3

Life's tough
Friday, July 14, 2006: 4:15 PM
haiz, life's tough. It all started wif the 'WTF' band! Bloody f***king ass. No prize for guessing freaking. After that, the maths trainer come so early 4 nth, den go home. In the end, plain boring lessons. sure die of boredom lah. I hate it!
Rushed home as i had to escape frm the murderous grip of my CCA! it made mi lost confidence. ii m so sorry...
My mood is unpredictable...<3

The past few Memories...
Thursday, July 06, 2006: 7:23 PM
A week ago on Wednesdae, i bought a dumb, long, sucky, bloody-ass, dumpster socks which cost mi $2. It was plain old white socks. In other place, u could buy at least 2 pairs. Y? for wearing, unseenable socks. The SL's punishment- Buy long, shitty socks.
The time moves on.

dis is a ****guy wu pretends to b lonely, pitiful when he toks crap. He thinks he is mighty n holds a upper hand among others. wu does he thinks he is when he scolded others Soreloser. When some1 scolded his frens, ( a busybody he is) pretended to b a good fren... dis guy is not worthy of trust.

The gd fren of de juz now pretender guy. The guy most probably suffers frm attitude problem after bein betrayed by 1guy. While futbol, kics others, onli to apologise later( not always, once in a blue moon.) wada heck he doin. Onli when ppl in pain den sae sorry. Dis guy gth! Dis guy obviously dun trust anyone.
My mood is unpredictable...<3

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His life started on 22-4-1993, he <3 his frenz and his clique. He loveshates everything and anything.

The innocent you...
Ipod nano
visit Old Trafford
striped tie
chain frm 77th street
Quiksilver Jacket
Quiksilver slingbag
Billabong Pencil Case
Quiksilver cap
New Quiksilver wallet
Not to be caught for hair
more $$$
Creative Zen V
wish upon the shooting star

A new CCA which i <3
No more rebelling